Basketball Sign Up

  • I, the parent or guardian of the previously named child/children, authorize the participation of the child in the Christ Church on Harvard (herein being referred to as Christ Church) basketball camp (the "Event") of Christ Church and any and all activities associated therewith. I further consent to allow Christ Church to procure and/or secure any and all necessary medical services, including but not limited to, non-emergent medical services for Child, as deemed necessary and appropriate by Christ Church, while Child is participating in Event. In so doing, I hereby agree to assume financial responsibility for and acknowledges said responsibility for any such medical services, and hereto provides relevant insurance information as set forth below, as applicable coverage for Child. I agree and affirm that I render this consent with full and complete knowledge and of full accord and desire. Further, I agree and affirm that neither Christ Church, nor any of Christ Church’s agents, employees, affiliates, partners, parent, or assigns shall be liable for any damages resulting from Child attending or participating in the Event. I further understand and agree that my child’s participation in athletic and other activities of the Event necessarily involves the risk of injury and even death from various causes, including, but not limited to, accidents, falls, strenuous and prolonged physical activity, dehydration, illness, collision or dispute with other participants, weather related injuries, playing area and equipment defects, and negligence of coaches. On behalf of my child, me, and my family, I assume these risks. I further waive any claim or cause of action against Christ Church or any of Christ Church’s agents, employees, affiliates, partners, parent or assigns for any loss, accident, injury, or damage that Child may incur in conjunction with attendance or participation in Event. This Consent and Release shall be effective IMMEDIATELY and shall remain until revoked in writing.
  • I also grant permission to Christ Church to take photographs or videos of my child and use them within the church, promotional material, and all social media outlets associated with Christ Church. By granting my permission to Christ Church I understand that I waive my right to inspect or approve the use of all materials as indicated above.
  • Important

    IMPORTANT - Return to this page to submit registration AFTER Payment.
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