We have in person and online worship experiences each Sunday at 9:30 am and 11 am. Try us out in person or experience worship here on the website or Facebook!
Let’s continue to seek and put God first in our lives and give God thanks and praise – keeping the main thing, the main thing.
Yours in Christ,
Bob Feist
Adult Small Groups
Christ Church has several adult small groups / classes that meet on Sunday mornings at 8 am, 9:30 am & 10:45 am.
We also have adult small groups that meet in person or online at various times during the week as well. Check the newsletter for most recent class offerings.
Contact Rev Jim Stilwell for more information.
8:30 am class
Early to Rise (Rm. 132) – A biblically based class for all ages.
9:30 am classes
Genesis (Rm. 232) – A class for married or single individuals (40’s – 60’s) led by various class members. Teaching material includes the Bible and video studies. Emphasis is on helping families strengthen relationships, using biblical references for practical answers. Class has many social and missional activities including community breakfast 2nd Sunday of each month and semi-annual Day Center meals. A fun group doing life together!
Hope Through Christ (Rm. 163) – Facilitated by Brandon and Lisa Bennett, this is a faith-centered class that includes Bible study, community service, and community outreach.
Two By Two (Rm. 167) – This class is focusing on a chronological study of the Bible. Singles, committed couples and married people of all ages are welcome. The class is taught by various members of the class.
Spirit – Soul – Body (Rm. 122) – This class studies the Word of God and its practical application to our everyday lives and current biblical prophetic events. Facilitated by Judy Parker.
The Upper Room (Rm. 236) – This class studies scripture with emphasis on small group discussion, using RightNow Media and other studies. We welcome couples and singles of all ages. The class is facilitated by class members and special guests. We are focused on growing in Christian love and are involved in life of the church and various social gatherings. Come and connect with us!
Young Adults of Christ (Rm. 210) – A class of young adults, we meet in a relaxed atmosphere for Bible study and a rich discussion about how to apply our faith to our daily lives.
10:45 am classes
Gather in Christ (Rm. 210) – A class for singles and couples that wish to better understand the word of God and discuss the meaning of Scripture. Currently viewing videos about the Bible and how it relates in our Christian lives.
Lifters (Rm. 232) – Dynamic interactive “video/lecture/discussion” fun class for married and single. Six teachers ensure new, fresh, crisp discussion. The Journey Through the Bible format is mission and service oriented. Teaching the Bible’s relevance for today follows Christ’s example of serving creatively ‘outside the box’.
Living Word (Rm. 234) – A class for adults of all ages interested in excellent Bible study. The class is taught by Mike Folmer, an ordained minister, using discussion methods that encourage all to participate.
Seekers (Rm. 162) – Seekers is a diverse class made up of young and older adults, married and single. Our focus is to be a biblically based class seeking to learn more about Christianity and how to deepen our personal faith.
TLC Together Loving Christ (Rm. 132) – This is a friendly small group that strengthens each other with fellowship, laughter, prayer, and accountability. Each week class members present subjects of the Bible and works by current authors so that we learn how to love God, our church, and our community. The subject matter varies with the interests of the class.
Unity (Rm. 136) – You’ll feel welcome in this adult small group united in their purpose to grow in Christian love and service. Across a diverse selection of studies, we learn from all our class members who teach through interaction, personal testimony and example. We encourage and support each other in our lives and help each other grow in our faith.
Classic Worship
Christ Church has a worship service each Sunday at 9:30 am, led by Ryan Gartner and the Christ Church Chancel Choir.
Chancel Choir
Chancel choir meets Wednesday evenings at 7:15 pm for weekly rehearsal. They sing every Sunday morning in the Classic worship service at 9:30 am. The choir also annual performs in special programs at Easter, Independence Day, and Christmas.
Contact Ryan Gartner here or at 918-747-8601 for information about joining the Chancel choir.
Modern Worship
Christ Church has a worship service each Sunday at 11:00 am.
Modern Worship Team
The worship team uses a blend of music and drama to provide an exciting and uplifting service in a casual setting every Sunday morning at Christ Church.
Contact Ryan Gartner here or at 918-747-8601 for information about joining the the group.