
Here at Christ Church it is our hope to instill the Christ like motto Know, Love, Serve to every child that enters our doors. 


Through relevant age-specific teaching, Christ Kids become equipped to Know God and learn how to apply bible truths to their own lives. 


By teaching them to Love God they develop a personal relationship with Him and in turn learn how to love their neighbors.


And while emphasizing the importance to Serve God and others, it is our hope that our kids become the hands and feet of Jesus in their daily lives. 


We focus on helping families along their life journey and making sure they are loved and accepted every step of the way.  We follow a Safe Sanctuary module so you know your child will be safe under our care.  Come make Christ Church a part of your life!

Infants – 4 yrs old

Gather on Sunday morning in our nursery and toddler wing.


The children are taught by loving volunteers and staff using Orange First Look Curriculum. Here they learn about God and his love for them through music, activities, and interactive bible stories. During church programming on Wednesday nights nursery is also available to allow parents to attend services and activities.

Pre-K through 6th graders

Gather on Sunday morning in 2 creatively designated areas. 


The children gather in large and small groups where they experience the Orange 252 curriculum and worship in a variety of multi-media styles.  Wednesday night programming provides kids the chance to reconnect mid-week and further develop a Godly character.

You can email our Children’s Ministry Director Tanya Erickson with any questions.




The mission of our Youth Ministry (7th through 12th grade) is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe in Him and belong to His family and are empowering our youth to becoming His servants. Here at Christ Church it is our prayer that every student continues to reflect our Christ like motto Know, Love, Serve.


Our Goals

  • Believe in their heart and confess that Jesus Christ is their Lord
  • Know God and develop a relationship with Him through study, small groups and prayer
  • Love and worship God
  • Serve God and others through outreach ministries






  • Sunday School – large groups/small groups
  • Wednesday night small groups
  • Summer camps
  • Retreats
  • Fellowship events
  • Mission opportunities


Email Student Ministry Director Ethan Watt with questions


Early Learning Center

Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9:30 am to 2:30 pm
For children 3 months – 3yrs old…and beginning September 8th…



Christ Church Early Learning Center provides age-appropriate play experiences in a Christian environment encouraging children to develop their individual and unique potential socially, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, and physically.


Our “Three and Me” program focuses on children 3 months to three years old and provides a positive, flexible, creative, and meaningful environment that is loving, warm, and secure. Our goal is that each child learns that he or she is a child of God and a person to be valued for their own uniqueness. The program structure adds playmates and a variety of activities in a Christ-centered environment, mirroring the Christian love and learning at home.


Children are encouraged to move about and explore concepts relating to colors, numbers, letters, shapes, vocabulary, and God’s world. There is a Bible story each day along with music and movement.


Each classroom has centers for dress up, housekeeping, science, creative art, manipulatives, books, and group activities.


ELC teachers are experienced in teaching with a sensitivity to the individual needs of the young child. Our Early Learning Center is a ministry of the church-ministering to both the child and the parents.



You can email our Early Learning Center Director Lynn Coye at 918-743-7673 with any questions.


Basketball Camp


2024 was great – we can’t wait until next year!


Contact Tanya Erickson for more information.


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